March 12, 2014
Clinical medicineRejections
Multi-system effects of cobalt-containing hip prostheses
March 8, 2013
Put Study Design Diagrams into Abstracts, Using XML
October 2, 2012
Aviation and spaceRejections
Diagnosis of Clouds: Meteorology, not Art
October 12, 2010
Clinical medicineRejections
Evaluation of Chest Discomfort in the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory
April 19, 2010
Conflict of Interest in the Association of American Medical Colleges
Taking a History of Chest Discomfort
October 31, 2009
Mindless Conversion of Measurement Units
How Could Anyone Have Missed this Diagnosis of Near-Fatal Hypothyroidism?
March 18, 2008
Commodore Maury Was No Exemplar
JAMA Editors and Slipshod Case Reports
September 19, 2006
Intellect, Memorization, and Medicine
February 19, 2006
Clinical medicineRejections
What One Knows, One Sees, and It Can Be Life-Saving, Especially in Aortic Dissection
Another Failure to Examine the Patient
December 19, 2004
Physicians in Congress
November 19, 2004
Business Articles in a Medical Journal
July 19, 2004
Choose Colors That Don't Frustrate People Having Abnormal Color Vision
April 19, 2004
Clinical medicineRejections
Hippocrates and Hemoglobinuria
February 19, 2003
Clinical medicineRejections
Atrial Fibrillation, Obstructive Sleep Apnea, and Reporting the Physical Exam
February 19, 2003
Threshold for Population-Wide Smallpox Vaccination
February 19, 2003
Don't Assume "Average" or "Natural" When Forecasting the Effects of Smallpox
May 19, 2001
Clinical medicineRejections
Ochronosis vs. Alkaptonuria
June 19, 1998
Clinical medicineRejections
The Tachycardia-Polyuria Syndrome
June 19, 1996
Is Mad Cow or Coronary Heart Disease the Bigger Risk From Beef?
January 4, 1987
Clinical medicineRejections